Just installed Ubuntu Feisty Fawn to my computer (dual boot with XP). I
am new to linux and tried to install Slimserver using Synaptic to
download and install slimserver. Installed is Slimserver 6.3 which I
believe I was able to update to 6.5.1 with a download from Slimdevices
now resides in the USR folder soemwhere. I do not see where I go from
there and I find the Wiki instructions confusing. While the program
seems to be installed and my squeezebox is recognizing the new software
it is not allowing me to choose the directory where my music resides. I
can not find the usual web interface for Slimserver in order to
configure the playlist and music directories.
Also, when I went back to XP it appeared that I had to go through set
up of the squeezebox over again. I guess I have to choose which
operating system I am going to use and stick with that as far as the
squeezebox is concerned.

SlimChances's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=165
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=34651

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