phil5556 wrote: 
> Didn't like the look/feel/use of ubuntu ...
Interestingly, whenever I try to help my relatives with diff versions of
Windows, I'm instantly agitated and mutter unkind words at the user
interface, how slow and awkward it is. I no longer know Windows
interface well and as a result, I don't like it. As you might have
guessed I use Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu and derivatives) for years now and
they seem very natural to me. The point is that we all get used to how
those interfaces work and before learning the new one, we ditch it.

In Ubuntu you can have multiple desktop interfaces (you probably got
Unity default, which is slightly controversial), you can replace them.
But in a bigger picture, Desktop Interface style really matters little
in Linux, its strength is in a myriad of software that can be installed
for free, services and the power of the command line. If you become
familiar with Linux, you no longer care for the Desktop.

Good luck with Vortex, it is a Linux showcase and no Desktop in sight

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