I've been following bpa's brilliant work in getting the new BBC HLS
streams working in LMS.

This is an alternative which doesn't require the LMS to be running but
can run alongside your LMS installation on SOA.

I'm not too technical but have managed to follow these guides to install
minimserver on my SOA/Wandboard Quad with a view to having a low
resource, always on file transcoder, to feed the new HLS URL's to my
Revo Superconnect radio. And to store the various BBC Radio Streams as
programmable buttons on my radio and remote.

First use pacman to install java-runtime

pacman -S java-runtime

Two options were presented, from memory I think I chose to install
option 2 (version 8)

Then follow this page:


This version "MinimServer-0.8.3c-linux-arm.tar.gz" worked well on my
wandboard quad

I installed this on my SOA/Wandboard Quad (approximately 2 hours) and
I'm not very technical at all and therefore can't help much with your
questions if you do have problems.

l then saved the BBC Radio channel URL's from the BBC Radio BBC
Radio.m3u file as "My added stations" on the Frontier Silicon radio
interface (I suspect VTuner may fulfil a similar function for other
radios), tuned them in and stored them under the buttons on the Revo

This is, of neccessity a very brief outline, and I have copied the
methodology almost entirely from the minimserver people. I can now store
the various radio stations under the buttons of my Revo remote and don't
need to fiddle about with a web browser or mobile phone to change

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