paul- wrote: 
> The version of iproute2 is the same.  It fails from the piCore repo,
> because the kernel modules needed are not on that repo.  Put your
> bonding commands after the pCp startup
> In /opt/
> Make sure you put it after the marker tags in the file.  Then do a "pcp
> bu"  to backup your settings

Thank you.
This is what I have now in
    tc@berlin-boombox:~$ cat /opt/ 
  # put other system startup commands here
  GREEN="$(echo -e '\033[1;32m')"
  echo "${GREEN}Running"
  /home/tc/www/cgi-bin/ 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/pcp_boot.log
  echo "Setup eth0+wlan0 link aggregate, eth0 primary..."
  modprobe bonding mode=1 primary=eth0 fail_over_mac=1 max_bonds=1 miimon=250
  ifconfig bond0 up
  ifconfig eth0 down
  ifconfig wlan0 down
  echo +eth0 > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves
  echo +wlan0 > /sys/class/net/bond0/bonding/slaves
  echo "Get lease for interface bond0"
  for PID in $(pidof udhcpc);do kill -USR2 $PID; done
  for PID in $(pidof udhcpc);do kill $PID; done
  sleep 5
  udhcpc -b -i bond0 -x hostname berlin-boombox -p /var/run/

I came to the realisation I wasn't using the "ip" command so extension
iproute2.tcz is not needed. 
I'm not sure the sleep 5 (or 2 kill loops instead of one) are needed but
I have had some temporary loss of contact after reboot without them. I
supposed the lease for bond0 was asked a bit too early for any slave to
have become active (I tested with wifi, secondary + needs to
authenticate). Sleep 5 seems to fix that anyway.
The web interface about wifi says reboot is recommended because the wifi
interface has no address, which is true...

Of course with fail_over_mac=active the MAC of the bond changes
according to the active slave, so my dnsmasq entry for this host reads
like this:

This format serves the same hostname and IP address to 2 different MACs,
so bond0 will keep the same address when it renews its lease whichever
slave is active at the time.

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