Thanks, good point, that will get me the music stream and control from
the iPhone
But not from the head unit with carplay 
i'll check if I have a browser in the head unit that can display the LMS
page if that the case then problem solved! without carplay ;o)

Paul Webster wrote: 
> One way would be to have the iPhone play http://lms:9000/stream.mp3
> and then you will see it appear as a player in LMS that you can control
> as normal.
> I expect that something like iPeng and then use its local player would
> be even better.

Syno 415+ with LMS 7.9 -> Picoreplayer 3.11 with Audio-GD I2S hdmi
output -> PS Audio DirectStream -> Pass Labs XP20 -> Pass Labs XVR-1 ->
2 x Karan KA S 400 -> XTZ Divine 100.49 -> happiness
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