fullerms wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I have installed the Audio optimised version of PCP 3.11 on a RPI3 with
> a JustBoom DAC, and I love it! The audio quality is good and to my ears,
> the same as my Logitech Squeezebox Touch. However, I have run into a few
> minor issues and will appreciate any assistance.
> >   > 
  - The RPI3 Onboard WiFi does not connect to a hiden SSID. No special
  > characters in the SSID or WPA password
  - Any attempt to try a in-situ upgrade, hotfix install or even
  > downloading extensions is met with the error "Internet is not
  > accessible" However in the case of the extensions, the repositories
  > are availavble inspite of the error message and I am able to
  > download and install extensions.
  - Installed IR Remote support (a bit fiddly with the LIRC page
  > throwing up the same "Internet not accessible error", can it be made
  > part of the next build please.) 
  - And the playlist key on my Touch Remote pauses  the player, how do
  > I fix this?
  > > > 

We don't support hidden SSID.   

Internet accessibility issues sounds like a misconfigured network.  or
just a problem with the crappy rpi3 wifi.

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