Hi all,

I have installed the Audio optimised version of PCP 3.11 on a RPI3 with
a JustBoom DAC, and I love it! The audio quality is good and to my ears,
the same as my Logitech Squeezebox Touch. However, I have run into a few
minor issues and will appreciate any assistance.

- The RPI3 Onboard WiFi does not connect to a hiden SSID. No special
  characters in the SSID or WPA password
- Any attempt to try a in-situ upgrade, hotfix install or even
  downloading extensions is met with the error "Internet is not
  accessible" However in the case of the extensions, the repositories
  are availavble inspite of the error message and I am able to download
  and install extensions.
- Installed IR Remote support (a bit fiddly with the LIRC page
  throwing up the same "Internet not accessible error", can it be made
  part of the next build please.) 
- And the playlist key on my Touch Remote pauses  the player, how do I
  fix this?

fullerms's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=42627
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