pputzer wrote: 
> I'm not sure what's going on here (and even if this has always been the
> case), because I mostly play complete albums. But I've noticed that when
> I have a certain playlist at the time I press "play" via the web
> interface (or the Jivelite screen), the player stops after that initial
> list has run out, even if I've added additional tracks in the meantime.
> I've enabled squeezelite debugging and it appears that squeezelite never
> gets the new stream. The player just switches to pause (and the web
> interface looks like the "last" track was not started yet), just like
> when it really runs out of tracks.
> Both the web interface and Jivelite show the complete playlist with
> later additions.

To reply to myself, but with 5.0.0-b9 this behavior does not occur.
However, with the 5.0.1 card I've incorporated 'Soundcheck's suggestions
from his blog' (https://soundcheck-audio.blogspot.com), so they are not
completely identical, especially regarding audio buffers and such.
Still, I don't think those enter because the player stops playing
entirely (and goes into pause mode after the set timeout).

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