I haven't got around to replacing the b1 image on my main 4GB Pi4 (lots
of settings to transfer over), but I've installed the new beta in 64-bit
mode onto my spare 1GB Pi4.  I do like the new Bluetooth settings.  I
like that I can have multiple speakers connected, and I like that I can
give them unique player names.  This evening I've connected four
different devices, and have had three of them playing in sync with my
main hifi.  Attempting to get the fourth one playing in sync as well
caused a few problems, but if I soft-power off one of them (in LMS), I
get the fourth one to work.  Three seems to be the limit.

A few puzzling things at the moment:
1) There's a 'BT Delay' setting that defaults to 1000.  I'm wondering
what this is for, and whether it interacts with the 'Player Audio Delay'
setting in LMS.  I tried varying that number, and couldn't figure out
what difference it made.  It certainly doesn't vary the audio delay by
that many milliseconds.
2) There's a 'Disconnect' button for each paired device.  Once pressed,
and the player disconnects, is there a way that it could become a
'Connect' button?  Short of cycling the power on the bluetooth speaker I
can't see how else to reconnect.

I'll give the Bluetooth+streamer option a go as well later.  Being an
Apple household the Airplay options serve this purpose for me, but I'm
interested in how the Bluetooth sink option compares.

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