Hi pcp team

Im running LMS on picoreplayer on a Pi3B with all my music files on my
NAS. I have used the option to move the slimserver files onto the NAS,
which works fine most of the time.

Occasionally, first thing in the morning,  LMS seems to lock up - the
pcp home page responds OK , saying LMS is running. pcp:9000 displays an
outline LMS home page but with no content on either the left or right
hand pane.  I suspect that the NAS drive has gone to sleep overnight and
LMS cant cope with this. I cant see any problem reported in the logs
though. A restart of LMS fixes the issue.

Whats the best place for these slimserver files?
SD card - does LMS do many writes and potentially wear the card out? 
NAS - as Im using at the moment
USB stick - or does this suffer the same as the SD card

Also, in the past, with LMS running on a linux box, I always had
problems after a power cut (we get lots of these where I live). LMS
started before the NAS and the music files were not available. Once the
NAS was up, I had to "sudo mount -a" to get it running. Am I likely to
have problems like this with LMS on picoreplayer too?

Many thanks for this great project


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