paul- wrote: 
> Maintained by user solves the quote issues, as the file is used without
> modification, but I’ll take another look at that method you used. 
> No quotes around country code is per spec......and country code is
> required for certain frequencies permitted in Europe to work. 
> He has done it via the web interface too.  In all methods, dmesg shows
> his issue is the WiFi drivers and firmware is not loading.  I guess I
> never asked him for the contents of /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/onboot.lst

OK, I left the "Maintained by user" bit out as I hadn't fully
investigated that setting and didn't want to confuse things further - I
posted at 2am after several hours of testing/playing around with wifi
settings and needed to get some sleep.

This morning I've tested  the "Mbu" setting.

So to clarify last nights testing was all with this in the boot
partition wpa_supplicant.conf

# If you want to manually configure wifi, and maintain all
settings manually.
# Changes would be made by saving a new file on the boot partition.
# no part of pCP would modify this file. Ensure the file contains this
following line.
Maintained by user
# If you would like to maintain wifi settings in the web interface
remove the above line.

and what I reported stands.

If Maintained by user is commented out... (that's how it was set in my
downloaded b9 image wpa_supplicate.conf.sample) 

# If you want to manually configure wifi, and maintain all
settings manually.
# Changes would be made by saving a new file on the boot partition.
# no part of pCP would modify this file. Ensure the file contains this
following line.
#Maintained by user
# If you would like to maintain wifi settings in the web interface
remove the above line.

Then using the wpa_supplicant.conf file in the boot partition does not
work, regardless of what's in quotes and what isn't

with ssid and psk in quotes, then everything looks OK but it just
doesn't connect and get an IP address
with ssid and psk no quotes then I see the same behaviour for psk as
before - it populates the PSK Passphrase box and no connection
with ssid no quotes and psk quotes then again everything looks OK but it
just doesn't connect and get an IP address

There are so many permutations it's hard to write down everything
clearly, and maybe not necessary, I'll have a think about the best way
to write up everything I've seen and tried, I need a break and the dog
needs her morning walk.

But the bottom line for me and my suggestion for Zabizabo to try is

1. Start with a fresh image
2. Open image boot partition rename wpa_supplicant.conf.sample to
3. Edit wpa_supplicant...

Maintained by user (make sure this line is NOT commented out, i.e.
remove the #)
country=country code (no quotes)
ssid=yourSSID (no quotes)
psk="yourPSK" (make sure quotes are used)

4. Save the edits
5. Boot Pi from new image with edited and renamed wpa_supplicant.conf
6. Wait 2-3 of minutes
7. Pi should have connected to wifi, scan for ip address or check router
for ip address
8. Connect to pCP using ip address in web browser
9. Go to Wifi Settings page, in Set Wifi Config section re-enter your
SSID, PSK passcode and Country code and click on Save
10. Wait for save to complete
11. Click on Diagnostics button
12. Diagnostics summary should show correct ssid, country code and have
a passphrase rather than passcode
13. Shutdown and power cycle Pi to check settings have stuck
14. Reconnect via web interface and configure up the rest of pCP

This has worked every time for me.



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