I use pcp-streamer to stream MiniDisc audio to my squeezeboxes.
Streaming immediately worked in Firefox and VLC, when configuring the
streamer through the WebGUI. However no luck with LMS devices. Here's
what I learned:

>From a comment in pcp-stream.sh I learned that

    ## LMS opens a url twice without '#slim:noscan=1' appended to
  ## the url. The first scan sometimes leaves the record command
  ## running, causing the second open to fail with device busy.

and that pcp-stream.sh contains code to kill the first recording process
in order to mitigate the issue.

However, the streamer init file /usr/local/etc/init.d/streamer does not
allow for two connections, so that part of the code is never reached in
the first place:

    OPTIONS="-c 1 -R 0 9100 /usr/local/bin/pcp-stream.sh"

After setting the connection limit to "-c 2" I can now reliably stream
even to LMS devices. Long live the MiniDisc!

Not sure if "-c 2" is the best solution in the long run, but maybe the
piCore team could look into the issue. Thank you for piCorePlayer!

chschmid's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=71849
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=113512

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