I do have a kind of new project to build for a friend a
piCorePlayer-based LMS-server with no local music library but full Qobuz
Online Music Library Integration. My friend's Qoboz has 1500 albums.
Is it feasible to do this w/o a USB drive meaning that the LMS Data
Storage Location (Slimserver) is on the SD card.

My current experience is that it is taking a long to time to run the
media scan. Further-on it happened a coupled of times that
piCorePlayer/LMS was not starting anymore and that I had to re-build the
overall system.

Before I do contiune with further explanations and analysis I would like
to understand whether my plan is feasible or is the SD Card simple to
slow. Or do I need to create a separate partion on the SD card to hold
the Slimserver/Cache-folder?

*Living Room:* piCorePlayer 8.0.0 on rPi 4 & 1TB USB (LMS 8.3 &
Squeezelite), RME ADI-2 DAC, Unison Research Sinfonia, Klipsch Forte
*Bedroom:* Boom / *Workspace:* Boom / *Kitchen:* Radio
schiff1108's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64153
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