When I try to install LMS over pCP it fails every time!!

I have tried multiple SD cards all with FS expanded to the max (up to
32GB partition) but when I then try to install LMS using the on-screen
button I get an Error saying that it has failed to download: 
There was a error downloading slimserver.tcz.
Retrying extension slimserver.tcz...in 5 seconds.

This has been happening for days. I've tried alternative OS (Raspberry
Pi OS) and mounted LMS on that but what a palaver and getting a
Squeezelite player to run alongside it (with HifiBerry DAC) is an
engineering task of NASA proportions, so could someone please help me
out here. Is it just me or is there  problem with the server?? Can
anyone here please try a spare SD card to see if it works for them. I
loaded my piCorePlayer image using Raspberry Pi Imager using
piCorePlayer8.2.0 and followed the instructions on
"https://docs.picoreplayer.org/projects/build-simple-lms-server/";. I
can't think of anything I did wrong, the only instruction I ignores was
mounting the USB, which I won't be using.

Cheers in advance, Tony

PompeyTone's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=73130
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