themicksa wrote: 
> Hi. I’m wondering if anyone could set me right on configuring an
> Innomaker PCM5122 I2S DAC hat on a Pi4b. Everything is assembled and LMS
> and squeezelite are both up to date and running, but I’m getting nothing
> from the RCA outs. In output settings I have tried using both the Allo
> Boss2 DAC and Allo Boss DAC (and MiniBoss) as device output presets—I
> understand this DAC is a clone of the Allo Boss and is recommended by
> Innomaker for set up on Volumio and other platforms but, although they
> claim it works with PcP, there’s no guidance offered. Output settings
> are set to equal. I see mentions elsewhere that a dtoverlay(?) might be
> required in the config(?) file, but I’m floundering rather at this
> point. Grateful for any advice or pointers. Thanks

According to the web site you need


maybe find the pCP config file and enter that

I don't have a pCp nearby atm :(


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