
LMS on my PCP seems to be unresponsive both from players and the PCP LMS
UI page just hangs.
The main PCP admin pages are fine though.

Diagnostics shows quite  few of these (though my music lib server is
working and accessible via CIFS from another machine):

[5433590.068175] CIFS: VFS: \\ has not responded in 180
seconds. Reconnecting...
[5433961.911655] CIFS: VFS: \\ has not responded in 180
seconds. Reconnecting...
[5434335.035200] CIFS: VFS: \\ has not responded in 180
seconds. Reconnecting...
[5434543.403947] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434543.404859] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434543.414137] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434543.420116] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434543.429620] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434543.453499] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434556.027709] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1
[5434556.040343] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1
[5434556.289103] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434556.654969] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1
[5434556.668279] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1
[5434811.026638] TCP: out of memory -- consider tuning tcp_mem
[5434813.373934] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1
[5434813.386070] usb 1-1.1: cannot get ctl value: req = 0x81, wValue =
0x100, wIndex = 0xa00, type = 1

Before I try rebooting PCP and losing the info is there anything else

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