Yes, they handle things fairly nicely, but you lose a lot of control over things like headers (there wasn't anything a sorting rule could really be built on and sorting by subject isn't a good idea, but please folks, don't flame me on
that statement, however, ask if you don't understand me on it).

What type of sorting are you looking to do? I haven't ever customized any headers with the UPHPU list.

I thought I've seen lots of mailman archives that are searchable (I think that includes mine). However, I would say they aren't easily searchable as you can only search through one month at a time. One could always use Google to search them via adding "" in the search box
(replace 'blah' with whatever is needed to get to the archives part of

If we were to keep Mailman and just use Google for a searchable archive, subscribing a Google Group to our Mailman list would provide a much nicer archive than just using the "site:" google search feature.

I can understand that desire, but I HATE forums. … Again, I understand the desire to be all things to all people, but I don't think this is a good idea.

I agree. I HATE forums also. But, if Google Groups can be both at the same time, then that can only be a positive thing.

(the word is 'obfuscate', is your spel-chucker not catching dat 1?)

Thanks! I was spelling it so wrong that my spell checker didn't have any suggestions.

You can't control or even get headers out of it. I know one of the other lists that I'm on just switched back to Mailman (or Sympa, I don't know which, yet) from Google Groups primarily because of all the complaints about headers and sorting. There were other issues that they had encountered and
Google wasn't interrested in fixing or helping with.

What were these issues?

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