On 3/18/11 7:38 AM, Keith Clarke wrote:
Hi folks, Given LiveCode's multimedia power, I want to move from
presenting purely conceptual ideas in PowerPoint/Keynote to using
LiveCode as - a container for concepts together with real moving
parts from my evolving application as development progresses.

I'm thinking more along the lines of some of the RunRev Live 09
session than a full-blown, full self-running 'kiosk' experience.

Are there any tutorials, example stacks or resources to help get
started in the right way - or is this an area where everyone tends to
create their own personal tool-belt from scratch?

It's so dead-simple that I don't think it needs a tutorial. You just create one card per "slide" and then add a "go next" button or a handler to catch a keystroke that goes to the next card. That's about it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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