The ratio of money asked from devs is also of course: (considered mobile)

Mobile Operating Systems        Percentage Market Share
Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide - August 2019
Android         76.23%
iOS     22.17%
KaiOS   0.59%
Unknown         0.26%
Samsung         0.21%
Windows         0.2%

So apple iOs is somewhat increasing this year, in 2018 it was 15% worldwide.

Apple asks 100$ yearly --iOs/ (and macOS)

Google ask 25$ one time fee -- Android

Amazon is FREE ! (for the time being) -- Kindle which is just Android

You can also use other platforms for free like Fdroid

Beats me why Apple charges so much yearly while the gain i think is to lower that cost as they earn money from your sales anyway.

Is there an alternative platform for iOs/macOs ?

Op 11-9-2019 om 07:57 schreef Peter Reid via use-livecode:
I've been reading the responses to my original posting with interest. My 
thoughts are as follows:

1. Matthias Rebbe's tutorial and helper stack seem to be excellent and appear 
to be the best way of complying with Apple's requirements, for now. Let's hope 
that Matthias can maintain this as Apple move the goalposts over time! If 
Matthias is unable to sustain these aids I'd hope that the LC mothership would 
adopt them.

2. A lot of the apps I develop are used by immediate friends and family (and a 
tiny circle of customers). They are private developments for use in closed 
communities. Apple have no right to be involved in these and the extended 
development cycle caused by their involvement is just unnecessary pain.

3. If Apple's measures really did provide bullet-proof protection the pain 
could be justified given the gain. However we know that this protection process 
is continuous and it becomes more and more onerous over time whilst still 
providing partial protection for a limited time.

4. If the Apple measures were a simple switchable setting I could switch them 
off whilst I check the user experience for a new user. Then I could switch the 
features back on to see the fully Apple-ised experience. As it is now, using 
the current Catalina beta on my development Mac, I see no blocking or warnings. 
So I've no way of testing the user experience on my development Mac. I have to 
find another Mac to act as my newbie user. Even then if such a Mac has been a 
previous newbie, how do you neutralise it to relive the newbie experience?

5. The $100 charge each year is inexcusable. Basically Apple are saying "We'll make 
any app development more tedious unless you pay up $100 every year.". Even the 
development of the simplest app, to be used as a temporary tool by a couple of friends 
will be blighted by warnings,  etc. if you don't pay $100 per year and jump through the 
hoops! Apple are deliberately making life more difficult and charging us $100 a year for 
the privilege!

6. I wonder how much developer time world-wide is wasted jumping through 
Apple's hoops, especially those developers without the benefit of LC and 
Matthias' tools?

7. If a new-to-LC developer wants to do the usual "Hello World" trivial 1st app 
(making an executable standalone app), they have to understand code-signing, notarising 
and stapling, DMG/ZIP creation and be signed/paid-up Apple developers.

Thanks to Matthias, you're a life/sanity saver, but I still find the prospects 
as an app developer rather depressing!

Peter Reid
Loughborough, UK

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