Hi Mark,
I'd have more sympathy for all that if the many QCC reports on the issue
had received a response of some sort, even if it was "Sorry guys, we know
it's broken but it's not a high enough priority for us to fix right now".
 Mine never received a response, not sure if any did.

I have several QCC reports that have been sitting in silence for several
weeks, plus a submission to have an app accepted into the RunRev store that
I sent in weeks ago and have had no response to, not even a denial.  That's
not the best way to foster good customer relations.

lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net> wrote:

> Alex, Richard-
> Yes, but... three things:
> it wouldn't have the authority of the company behind it, in the way
> that the Apple store, etc does
> I don't recall a link from the runrev site to LiveCode Journal, or
> it's somewhere out of the way.
> it would look really bad for the company to have this added as Yet
> Another Failed Runrev Initiative. (notice that I succeeded in not
> mentioning web deployment, on-rev, RevMedia, DreamCard, etc by name)
> --
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwie...@ahsoftware.net
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