On 8/10/2014, 7:25 PM, Jacques Hausser wrote:
An the "inner glow" gives a decent result. What's boring is to set
the points for a 8 x 8 circle... I offer it to you ;-)

Thank you, I will be able to use this. Bernd sent me a stack in email that does something similar and it works well. How did you get the points for the circle? I have one more to do that is slightly larger (12x12).

Another possibility is to drop
the graphic and use only it's list of points, and to clone your image
and set the loc of each clone to the successive points... but it will
give more headache if you want to change the scale.

I'd thought of that, but using button icons, but there are too many. The card is already overloaded with objects, and I have thousands of points to plot. I reduced that to 800 graphics, each of which needs a different marker symbol at different times.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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