I think I'm too bitten (happily so) now with the class/super/class behaviors 
hierarchy ( have already set the behavior of a behavior, fantastic!)   In fact 
it's hard to stop envisioning all the ways to use this feature, and I don't 
want the bound up in a single binary file object... as the goal is, in the next 
few months to distribute the developement across a bigger team.

So I'm going to get work done now ... I have flown to the world of WHEW  
(WHatEver Works)

If setting the stack files and opening them in the preopenhandler works, that's 
what I'll do, if the only certain way to save script only stacks is by clicking 
on the contextual menu and explicitely choosing "Save" (in  the AB and PB) 
that's what I'll do.

My auto save is working (every 30  min), and I'm saving more frequently,  so I 
can recover quickly.

I got a lot done today...

What I will  give myself a break on is reporting all the bugs in LC816 and just 
push to work around them...or ask here, since (as we are seeing with formatted 
height) others have worked around bugs before.


On April 2, 2016 at 5:43:32 PM, Richard Gaskin 
(ambassa...@fourthworld.com<mailto:ambassa...@fourthworld.com>) wrote:

You've had a wide range of issues to contend with, from file corruption
to mysterious plugins and more. Give yourself a break for a day or two:
get one thing working, and only then change something else.

Sorting out the behaviors would seem to merit attention. If script-only
files are a distraction setting them aside and just using the binary
stacks you seem more comfortable with for now will let you focus on one
thing at a time.
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