And I replied before checking all my other emails. Seriously, at some point we 
need to develop a list system where emails remain threaded. I have over 40 from 
this list this morning, and reading through every one, then trying to go back 
and respond is a little more brainwork than I am used to before my 3rd cup of 
coffee. :-)

Bob S

> On Dec 31, 2018, at 14:48 , William Prothero via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> Folks:
> Sorry, I accidentally sent the email before finishing it. Here’s the complete 
> message.
> But perhaps I’ve solved it. I only need to put the name of the “feature” 
> stack in the pollActions handler. Anyway, I still have my question.
> I’m trying to implement a structure where I can simply add script only stacks 
> that seamlessly add capability to my app. To do this, I have all of the 
> “feature” stacks in a given folder, and when I initialize the app, I start 
> using all of the “feature” stacks. Then I want to initialize all of them, so 
> I send a message that gets passed in each “feature” stack.
> I do, in each “feature” stack (which doesn’t give me the answer I want):
> on pollActions
>       put the short name of the current stack into myAction  (I want the name 
> of the stack that contains this script)
>       dispatch "actionsList" to cd "Opening" of stack "CP_Main" with myAction
>       pass pollActions
> end pollActions
> In the main stack, I have:
> local actionsList
> on actionsList tList
>       put tList&cr after actionsList
> end actionsList
> My question:
> How do I get the name of the script only stack that holds the “Feature” code? 
> The above code gives me the name of the main stack, which is not useful for 
> my purposes.
> Best,
> Bill

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