Dar Scott wrote 02.12.20 01:18 AM$B!'(B
(B>> All bg is unrelated, and control on card:
(B>>    control --> card --> bg4 |
(B>>                         bg3 |
(B>>                         bg2 v
(B>>                         bg1 --> stack
(B>> All bg is unrelated, and control is included in bg3:
(B>>                bg4 ( no message )
(B>>    control --> bg3 --> card --> stack
(B>>                bg2 ( no message )
(B>>                bg1 ( no message )
(B>I guess the idea is that if a control is in a group, even a background 
(B>group, it is in the environment of that group or groups.  But if the 
(B>control is directly on the card it is in the environment of the card as 
(B>modified by background groups.
(B>Even so, I am not able to rationalize why groups on the card or nested 
(B>groups and controls within those do not have a message path like the 
(B>first case.
(BAbout the first case, I think for compatibility with Hypercard.
(BIF it is so,
(BRather the second case includes a problem. It is NOT right that a
(Bmessage of control in a background is carried to a card.
(BWe have to recognize this. A thing having both of perfect-logical and
(BHyperCard-compatibile is impossible.
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