I think your question wasn't answered because it could be taken as rhetorical. 
I've come across other properties that I thought ought to be on the pallette 
but were not. I suppose at some point, someone in a room somewhere who makes a 
lot more money than me has to decide that there will only be one checkbox. 

Now that you mention it, I think that is the answer to just about everything we 
encounter in the technological world that doesn't make sense to us at first, 
and upon further consideration, in a sudden epiphany, I believe at last I have 
the question to the answer to life the universe and everything! The question 

Which version of the universe is this? The answer of course, is 42. I thing we 
are on rev 3. They are still working some of the bugs out. 


On Feb 5, 2010, at 7:35 AM, Mark Swindell wrote:

> I asked this a couple of days ago and got no response so I thought I'd try 
> again.
> Why are locking size and position of an image inextricably linked?  They seem 
> to me to be two separate entities.  I know how to get around the situation 
> via script, but I don't know why there should be the inconvenience of having 
> to "get around" anything.  Is there a good reason for this or is it just a 
> legacy reality that could be changed?  Why not be able to drag an image 
> around whose size is constrained?
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