This thread didn't start out about the features in 2.2. It started about the issue of bug fixes vs. new features, and only recently turned to whether 2.2 was a valuable update. When you asked about the value of the features in 2.2, I responded with a list.

Regarding the original thread, bugs vs. new features, my first post on that subject was the URL to retrieve the list of bugs fixed from our working bug database.

That seems reasonable to me.


Geoff Canyon

On Mar 15, 2004, at 5:23 AM, Frank Leahy wrote:

But more important than the cost of the upgrade, this overly long thread could have been truncated if there had been more communication from RunRev or those of you in the know. Instead of sending pithy comments off list, those same people could have simply pointed me/us at the 2.2 release notes. And then we could be having a substantive discussion rather than ranting about things that we can only guess about.

If I were running RunRev, I would want to know why it took more than 100 messages, many of which were unnecessarily critical of my company, before I gave out any real information about the release. Maybe it's purely coincidental there has been a "lack of communication" thread going on at the same time as this one, but then again maybe not.

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