Thanks. No, that twist on it I had recognized -- so if I need a breakpoint-and-step at the end of a handler, I put in a "put 0 into tDummy" line at the end.

In this case, the breakpoint line is in the middle of the handler, in the middle of a repeat loop or a 'try' structure. (Now I can't remember which handler I was debugging yesterday when I finally noticed this! though I know it's happened before.)

Is it possible that "try" doesn't mix right with breakpoints and "step"? But I know I noticed step misbehaving when there *wasn't* a problem in the code, so it's not a matter of the "try" having kicked me out into the "catch". (And in that case, shouldn't "step" take me to the first line of the "catch" anyway?)

I hope this makes more sense. I *think* this was the code I was debugging:

    repeat for each line tLine in fld "playerListFld"
        if tLine is not empty then
            put empty into tPlayerRecToStore
            put word 1 of tLine into tPersonID
            put tPersonID into tPlayerRecToStore["personID"]
            put tPerformanceID into tPlayerRecToStore["performID"]
-- apparently no good way to "batch" store all these records
get libdb_addToTable(gDB, "players", tPlayerRecToStore, "personID")
            catch errMsg
                put false into storeOK
                handleDatabaseError errMsg
            end try
        end if
    end repeat
    select text of fld "playerListFld"
    [and so on . . .]

with the breakpoint on the "get libdb_ . . ." line.

Charles Hartman

On Oct 26, 2005, at 10:16 AM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

Charles Hartman wrote:

I've been bumbling numbly along with debugging -- and somehow it just occurred to me that something's wrong here:

I put a breakpoint on a line in the middle of a script, run till I hit it, look at some variables, press Step . . . and the script runs, not stopping till complete/crash/next breakpoint.

In any other debugging environment I've seen, that's not what "step" means. It means execute the currently-highlighted line and stop.

"step" means (pretty much) what you'd expect it to mean from other environments - so there is something specific going wrong.

One possible (maybe even likely) candidate is that if you are putting your breakpoint on the last statement in a handler or function, then Step will just run onwards - you need to use "Step into" to step in *or out* of a handler or function. (There is a BZ for this, I believe).

If it's not that - please tell us more....

Alex Tweedly

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