Created an updater for my application and now stuck with a problem - libURLDownloadToFile freezes while attempting to download 4 Mb size Revolution stack from my own website. libURLSetStatusCallback returns "requested" and here it stops for eternity. Server log contains no errors but file is not being downloaded. What could be a possible reason for this? I would expect Revolution's internet library to return at least "error", "timeout" or empty on failure, but it simply stops at "requested" point. Does not hang, crash, whatsoever - just stops downloading the file...

Besides, it works with html or any other smaller text files and it worked a few days ago with that stack before it reached 4 Mb size ..-_

Scripts are as simple (paths changed) as:
on mouseUp
libURLDownloadToFile "","update.tmp","downloadComplete";
 libURLSetStatusCallback "showStatus", the long ID of me
end mouseUp

on showStatus theURL,theStatus
put theURL && theStatus into fld "fStatus" of stack "Updater" end showStatus

Would I deliberately change url to any nonexisting filename on server, it returns "error" as expected.

any good ideas or suggestions are very welcome :-)
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