
It sounds like a socketTimeout errror.

Try checking for the end status in the "downloadComplete" callback. You should catch the error there. This came up recently on the list. It seems "socket timeout" errors don't get passed to the libURLSetStatusCallback callback. Other errors do, which would explain why you see errors when using non-existing files.

on downloadComplete pUrl, pStatus
 put pStatus ## or whatever
end downloadComplete


On 26 Oct 2007, at 22:54, viktoras didziulis wrote:

Created an updater for my application and now stuck with a problem - libURLDownloadToFile freezes while attempting to download 4 Mb size Revolution stack from my own website. libURLSetStatusCallback returns "requested" and here it stops for eternity. Server log contains no errors but file is not being downloaded. What could be a possible reason for this? I would expect Revolution's internet library to return at least "error", "timeout" or empty on failure, but it simply stops at "requested" point. Does not hang, crash, whatsoever - just stops downloading the file...
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