> I can only speak for myself, but I value your contributions both to this 
> list and the Realsoft community in general.  I'm sure many on this list ( if 
> not all...) appreciate the time and energy it takes to make a living out of 
> 3D.
> Glenn McLean   

Contributions ??? : 

  What contributions ? "Here , this is what I have rendered
with Realsoft3D" is the only contribution I have ever seen
out of Jasmine Slanders .

 ...Years & Years Later :

Where are the RS3D project files ?
Where are the advanced RS3D Gi tutorials ?
Where are the RS3D VSL Indoor Textures ?

  Of course making a living in 3D is an enormous task , 
and a hill I never had the talent to climb , but it's
no excuse to hoard crucial information , as far as I'm
concerned anyway .

  Jason is a hoar-der . We all know that . His wife may
put up with his endless "3D for Jason" , but I will not
and will "call a spade a spade" .

Whatever ...


PS : Forgot about possible youngsters on this list .
Will attempt to filter my "army mouth" from now on .

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