Funny, never considered working in marketing because I could not sell what I don't like.

I was so impressed and transported by this movie that's all. Just wanted to share my experience.
Have you seen it? For years I have been criticizing CG movies and now finally a beautiful cg photoreal movie.
While watching the movie I heard people almost orgasming in awe and making weird noises you don't usually hear in a theater and people applauded at the end. There is a scene in the beginning of the movie that is so graphically beautiful that I had tears in my eyes. Never experience that before.

Until very recently, most young people had never seen StarWars on a giant screen. For 20 years the only way to watch StarWars was on VHS and an small ugly TV. Many people will wait for the Avatar DVD or Blue-Ray version and will see it in 2D, they will never understand or live the true experience of watching it in 3D on a giant screen.

Imax movies are best watched in Imax theaters, Vector graphic video games are best experienced on an XY monitor.
Opera looses it's appeal when seen on TV. Sadly for now, nothing beat the theater for watching movies. I have an HD DLP projector at home and my 10 feet screen is not enough compared to 50+ feet.

60" HDTV are small, really small I never watch movies on HDTV. HDTV is the poor man cinema. HDTV is pathetic.
I can see in 180 degree and I want a screen that match my visual range.
Why limiting ourselves to screen, why not go full 360. The target is full immersion not watching a screen.

What I am saying is that it is best to watch things on their targeted medium.

Polar Express was a masterpiece on Imax3D and only a good movie on blu-ray anaglyph.

Anyway I am glad that 3D has finally returned back to movies after 50 years of absence.

Avatar is not 100% CG, it is a mix of cg and traditional miniatures.
Common CG industry, wake up, there is still work to do, Your 3D software are not capable of creating a full 100% pure cg movie.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

Jouni Hätinen wrote:
Are you, or have you ever considered working in marketing :-P


2009/12/24 Jean-Sebastien Perron <>:
Yesterday I saw Avatar in Dolby3D.
>From my experience I prefer Dolby3D to RealD. Dolby3D is more painful to the
eyes, but the image is much brighter and bigger.

This movie is not a movie, it is an experience and a sensual one, you feel
everything like you were there.
Avatar is so far ahead (technically and in the way it is directed) that it
will take years to come close if it ever happened.

James Cameron just owned all the masters including Stanley Kubrick.
I have never seen to this day a movie so perfectly directed. Everything has
a meaning, a mass, a smell, a touch, a purpose.

The most impressive technical innovation in Avatar is the facial expressions
(eyes, lips, thong, skin, muscle...).
Avatar is not a movie it is real, Even for a technical guy like me, this was
pure magic.

Avatar is the first photoreal CG movie in the world that has: sharp, super
bright and colorful images.
In other movies they use the usual dark images, desaturated colors and
blurred images.

Go live this movie in 3D theaters now, This movie is an experience of a
lifetime and the DVD/BlueRay version will never do justice to the silver
screen version.

Congratulation James Cameron you just made Christmas magic again. Thank you.

Jean-Sebastien Perron



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