Still having problems with everything fedora right now.

I have now noticed that Fedora 15 will not run User Mode Linux..
Running a uml kernel with sensible parameters (or even no parameters)
results in:

  Locating the bottom of the address space ... 0x10000
  Locating the top of the address space ... 0xffffd000
  Core dump limits :
        soft - 0
        hard - NONE
  Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
  Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...check_sysemu :
expected SIGTRAP, got status = 2943

This sounds just like an old problem with ptrace from years ago... but
I was sure this was fixed in 2008.
Again I will try anything. I have tried already a range of kernels
with near default configurations up to

Note it runs fine in Fedora 13, and I have not tried fedora 14. I am
assuming this is particular to the Fedora platform.

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