Echoing both Nate and Evans, I would not limit ourselves based on the technology used for the build.

However, I am not sure to completely follow option 3. We are doing that already for packages. For instance if package A depends on Apache Zookeeper., then the package A does depend on Apache Zookeeper and includes symlinks to the Apache Zookeeper library provided by the Apache Zookeeper package.


On 06/19/2015 12:47 PM, wrote:

Echoing Evans, think we should not be worried about stateless vs non-stateless containers.., seems core idea and need to is optimize the build process and maximize re-use whether on host or container machines or build environments.

Added sub-task with Olaf’s idea to Evans umbrella CI task, currently marked it for 1.1:

*From:*Evans Ye []
*Sent:* Friday, June 19, 2015 7:16 AM
*Subject:* Re: Rebooting the conversation on the Future of bigtop: Abstracting the backplane ? Containers?

I thnk it's not a problem that container is not stateless. No matter how we should have CI jobs that builds all the artifacts and store them as official repos. You point out an important thing that is the mvn install is the key feature to propergate self patched components around. If we disable this than there's no reason to build jars by ourselves. I'm +1 to option 2.

2015年6月19日 上午5:59於 "Olaf Flebbe" < <>>寫道:

    > Am 18.06.2015 um 23:57 schrieb jay vyas
    < <>>:
    > You can easily share the artifacts with a docker shared volume
    > in the container "EXPORT M2_HOME=/container/m2/"
    > follwed by
    > "docker build -v ~/.m2/ /container/m2/ ........ "
    > This will put the mvn jars into the host rather than the guest
    conatainer, so that they persist.

    Thats not the point. Containers are not stateless any more.


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