On 04 Apr 2014, at 11:18, prem yadav <ipremya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Though cassandra can work but to me it looks like you could use a persistent 
> queue for example (rabbitMQ) to implement this. All your workers can 
> subscribe to a queue.
> In fact, why not just MySQL?

Hey, I have got a C* cluster that can (potentially) do CAS.

Why would I set up a MySQL cluster to solve that problem?

And yeah, I could use a queue or redis or whatnot, but I want to avoid yet 
another moving part :-)


> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Jan Algermissen <jan.algermis...@nordsc.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> maybe someone knows a nice solution to the following problem:
> I have N worker processes that are intentionally masterless and do not know 
> about each other - they are stateless and independent instances of a given 
> service system.
> These workers need to poll an event feed, say about every 10 seconds and 
> persist a state after processing the polled events so the next worker knows 
> where to continue processing events.
> I would like to use C*’s CAS feature to coordinate the workers and protect 
> the shared state (a row or cell in  a C* key space, too).
> Has anybody done something similar and can suggest a ‘clever’ data model 
> design and interaction?
> Jan

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