Incorrect, ONE does not refer to the number of “other" nodes, it just refers to 
the number of nodes. so ONE under normal circumstances would only require one 
node to acknowledge the write.

The confusing error message you are getting is related to… Kevin you are correct in 
that normally that error message would make no sense.

I don’t have much experience adding/removing nodes, but I think what is 
happening is that your new node is in the middle of taken over ownership of a 
token range - while that happens C* is trying to write to both the old owner 
(your original node), AND (hence the 2 not 1 in the error message) the new 
owner (the new node) so that once the bootstrapping of the new node is 
complete, it is immediately safe to delete the (no longer owned data) from the 
old node. For whatever reason the write to the new node is timing out, causing 
the exception, and the error message is exposing the “2” which happens to be 
how many C* thinks it is waiting for at the time (i.e. how many it should be 
waiting for based on the consistency level (1) plus this extra node).

On Jul 22, 2014, at 9:46 PM, Andrew <> wrote:

> ONE means write to one replica (in addition to the original).  If you want to 
> write to any of them, use ANY.  Is that the right understanding?
> Andrew
> On July 22, 2014 at 7:43:43 PM, Kevin Burton ( wrote:
>> I'm super confused by this.. and disturbed that this was my failure scenario 
>> :-(
>> I had one cassandra node for the alpha of my app… and now we're moving into 
>> beta… which means three replicas.
>> So I added the second node… but my app immediately broke with:
>> ""Cassandra timeout during write query at consistency ONE (2 replica were 
>> required but only 1 acknowledged the write)""
>> … but that makes no sense… if I'm at ONE and I have one acknowledged write, 
>> why does it matter that the second one hasn't ack'd yet…
>> ?
>> --
>> Founder/CEO
>> Location: San Francisco, CA
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>> … or check out my Google+ profile

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