I've made progress. I've pulled out the drill-yarn rpm, and realized there
was a drill.tar.gz file in there. I had a hunch with the work that Paul
Rogers was doing on Drill on Yarn, that this was a executor package and
thus had the MapR stuff, but also the complete MapR stuff so it could be
downloaded to a node and ran.  Unpacking this, I think I am correct in that
assumption.  (I am running Drill on Mesos, so this  is pretty good for me).
(Suggestion to MapR: Make an RPM that is drill-executor that is only the
prepackaged drill directory with all the things, and have that be a
separate rpm, and have drill-yarn be all the additional stuff needed to run
drill on yarn, that way, when I get around to contributing a drill on mesos
rpm, I can just use your executor package!)

That said, it's starting, but now I am getting no errors, not in the
drillbit.log file, not in std out or std err. The RPC ports are listening,
but the web port is not. I am wondering if something changed in the configs
that I need to account for (I am using my configs from 1.10)

I am running on a secure cluster in mapr, and using authentication and SSL
in Drill.   The only "MAYBE" related message I saw was below.  However, my
only concern is "Encryption disabled" it still doesn't explain why the web
server is not starting without an error. Any ideas on where to look to
trouble shoot?


2018-02-09 08:34:03,915 [main] INFO  o.a.d.c.s.persistence.ScanResult -
loading 2 classes for
org.apache.drill.exec.rpc.user.security.UserAuthenticator took 2ms

2018-02-09 08:34:03,925 [main] INFO  o.a.d.e.r.s.AuthenticatorProviderImpl
- Configured authentication mechanisms: [plain]

2018-02-09 08:34:04,352 [main] INFO  o.a.d.e.s.s.PersistentStoreRegistry -
Using the configured PStoreProvider class:

2018-02-09 08:34:05,788 [main] INFO  o.a.d.e.r.user.UserConnectionConfig -
Configured all user connections to require authentication with encryption:
Encryption: disabled , MaxWrappedSize: 65536 , WrapSizeLimit: 0 using:

2018-02-09 08:34:05,896 [main] INFO  o.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit -
Construction completed (3461 ms).

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 8:10 AM, John Omernik <j...@omernik.com> wrote:

> So already, you have given me some things to work with. Knowing that there
> may links to jars/3rdparty was very helpful.  In opening that folder on
> drill-1.12.0 I found there were no links/files related to mapr.  In my
> drill-1.10.0 version (both of them from MapR) there were three files,
> maprfs, maprdb, and mapr-hbase.
> So I added only those three files from /opt/mapr/lib to $DRILL_CLASSPATH
> in my drill_env.sh.   This allowed drill to start without that same error.
> Now, I am being a little different. Instead of "installing" drill via
> RPMs, I download the RPMs (and I did this for both 1.10 and 1.12 from MapR)
> The difference I think is in 1.10 there was a "drill" package and now in
> 1.12, there is a drill-internal package.  Perhaps the drill in 1.10 moved
> some things around better. For what ever reason that changed (I think it
> changed in 1.11, but I was having cluster issues during that).
> That said, I have a drill bit running, but it's not starting it's web
> service. I am going to go reverse engineer what the RPM actually does. In
> my case, for 1.10 and every version previous, I just took the mapr RPM,
> unpacked it, and grabbed the drill directory and it worked great. This is
> obviously no longer the case, and I will have to dig deeper.
> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 4:01 PM, Abhishek Girish <agir...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> Can you also share the contents of (1) MapR build version on the cluster
>> nodes (cat /opt/mapr/MapRBuildVersion) (2) Drill RPM version installed
>> (rpm
>> -qa |grep -i mapr-drill)
>> And also verify if the maprfs and maprdb jars inside
>> $DRILL_HOME/jars/3rdparty are links to the corresponding jars in
>> /opt/mapr/lib?
>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Kunal Khatua <kkha...@mapr.com> wrote:
>> > It might be to do with the way you've installed Drill.
>> >
>> > If you've built and deployed Drill, odds are that the client will be
>> > different. With the RPM installation, however, the installer has
>> symlinks
>> > to make the mapr-client libraries required by Drill be pointing to the
>> > libraries available in /opt/mapr/lib/
>> >
>> > I don't know the exact details of what all gets symlinked, but this step
>> > should have ensured that you don't see mismatch between the versions.
>> >
>> > That said... Support would be better equipped to help you with this.
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: John Omernik [mailto:j...@omernik.com]
>> > Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2018 1:38 PM
>> > To: user <user@drill.apache.org>
>> > Subject: MapR Drill 1.12 Mismatch between Native and Library Versions
>> >
>> > I am running MapR's 1.12 drill on a node that only has posix client
>> > installed (and thus has a MapR client from that).
>> >
>> > I've recently had to work with MapR Support to get a fix to posix, and
>> > that fixed one issue, but now when I try to start a drill bit, I get
>> this
>> > error.
>> > The fix was a small patch that only updated the posix library... I
>> guess I
>> > am confused why I am seeing one "non-patched" version (in the java
>> library)
>> > and one "patched" version in the native library and why I can't start
>> > drill. I was debating where to post this, MapR community or here, but
>> it's
>> > only Drill I having an issue... any thoughts?
>> >
>> > John
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > 2018-02-08 15:20:54,3305 ERROR JniCommon
>> > fs/client/fileclient/cc/jni_MapRClient.cc:687 Thread: 71 Mismatch found
>> > for java and native libraries java build version
>> > native build version java patch vserion $Id:
>> > mapr-version: e892229b271c98c75ccb, native
>> patch
>> > version $Id: mapr-version:
>> > bd8dae73f45572194c89
>> > 2018-02-08 15:20:54,3305 ERROR JniCommon
>> > fs/client/fileclient/cc/jni_MapRClient.cc:704 Thread: 71 Client
>> > initialization failed.
>> > Exception in thread "main"
>> > org.apache.drill.exec.exception.DrillbitStartupException: Failure while
>> > initializing values in Drillbit.
>> >

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