Hey Ramesh,

first of all, welcome to our community. I need to apologize for the belated
reply, but my email filters weren't working properly so I just did not see
your first request.

As of today, Mifos I/O is a source only release, so you'd need to meet some
prerequisites before you can start testing it.

   1. Install Java SDK 8
   2. Install Gradle
   3. Install Maven
   4. Install git
   5. Install NodeJS (incl. npm)

Once you have installed the mentioned tools you need to:

   1. Fork all repositories available at https://github.com/mifosio
   2. Fork https://github.com/JavaMoney/javamoney-lib
   3. You'll find a script to initialize all resources on your computer
      1. The scripts are located in the demo-server project at scripts
      2. Copy the initial-setup script for your system into the root
      directory where you want all projects to be cloned into
         1. The easiest way is to browse to
         and open the script in raw mode, then selact all and copy and
paste to file
         on your disk
      3. Run the script

After you done this, there are two ways to get started:

   1. Run Mifos I/O locally
      1. Navigate into the folder build/libs under demo-server on your
         1. execute: java -Ddemoserver.provision=true
         -jar demo-server-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
         2. Be aware this is a very heavy process because all services will
         get started locally on your machine (10), and multiple data
source will be
         started in embedded mode (Apache Cassandra, Apache ActiveMQ, MySQL)
         3. After the services all have started simply navigate to the root
         fims-web-app folder and follow the steps mentioned in the README
      2. Run Mifos I/O on the Cloud:
      1. Before you can start the microservices you need to provide
      resources that contains:
         1. Apache Cassandra
         2. Apache ActiveMQ
         3. MySQL
      2. Before you can push the services into your cloud you need to
      adjust the properties in every application.yml for a service to point to
      the above installed datasources
      3. Every Microservice is build with the capability to run on a VM.
      For this simply copy all microservice jar file to one or multiple VMs and
      start them using java -jar service-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar

Just a kind reminder, Mifos I/O is not ready to be used in a production
environment and is still under heavy development. We expect to have the
frist functioning version ready in approx. 8 weeks, until then some
functionality will not be available or work properly (e.g. checking
accounts, individual loans).

But any feedback is appreciated.



On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 2:14 AM ramesh padmanabhan <ramesh.padm...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Trying again to see if anyone can help with tips for setting up a Gen 3
> environment ?
> thanks
> Ramesh
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ramesh padmanabhan <ramesh.padm...@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 7:58 PM
> Subject: Question on building Mifos I/O
> To: user@fineract.apache.org
> Hi everyone,
> My name is Ramesh Padmanabhan. I have recently signed up as a Volunteer
> with Mifos.
> My background is as an engineering and product management leader from
> Juniper Networks, Fortinet and most recently at Facebook.
> I am looking forward to helping this organization in whatever way I can
> contribute. But I have a lot to learn here first.
> As a first step, I am familiarizing myself with the Mifos environments and
> have played around with the AWS instance of Mifos that I was able to setup
> for the Gen 2 version.
> I am trying to figure out how to get a Gen 3 Mifos I/O environment setup
> in an AWS environment.
> Any clues that you can share will help me greatly.
> thanks
> Ramesh
Markus Geiss
Chief Technology Officer, Kuelap, Inc. <http://kuelap.io/>
+49 1522 9505306

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