Hi Markus,

I tried following the instructions you had laid out for building Mifos
Generation 3.

Had a few questions:

- I presume for now I only execute the initial-setup.sh script and *not*
the pull-all.sh script?

- I get an error saying 'JAVA_HOME' is not set. However java -v on my
machine shows me the latest downloaded Java SDK8 that I installed

- At the end of the script run, I cannot find a 'demo-server' directory
having been created...

Any ideas/feedback will help.



[ERROR] MavenReportException: Error while creating archive: Unable to find
javadoc command: The environment variable JAVA_HOME is not correctly set.

On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 2:51 AM, Markus Geiss <m...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Ramesh,
> first of all, welcome to our community. I need to apologize for the
> belated reply, but my email filters weren't working properly so I just did
> not see your first request.
> As of today, Mifos I/O is a source only release, so you'd need to meet
> some prerequisites before you can start testing it.
>    1. Install Java SDK 8
>    2. Install Gradle
>    3. Install Maven
>    4. Install git
>    5. Install NodeJS (incl. npm)
> Once you have installed the mentioned tools you need to:
>    1. Fork all repositories available at https://github.com/mifosio
>    2. Fork https://github.com/JavaMoney/javamoney-lib
>    3. You'll find a script to initialize all resources on your computer
>       1. The scripts are located in the demo-server project at scripts
>       2. Copy the initial-setup script for your system into the root
>       directory where you want all projects to be cloned into
>          1. The easiest way is to browse to https://github.com/mifosio/
>          demo-server/tree/develop/scripts/Unix
>          <https://github.com/mifosio/demo-server/tree/develop/scripts/Unix> 
> (windows)
>          and open the script in raw mode, then selact all and copy and paste 
> to file
>          on your disk
>       3. Run the script
> After you done this, there are two ways to get started:
>    1. Run Mifos I/O locally
>       1. Navigate into the folder build/libs under demo-server on your
>       machine
>          1. execute: java -Ddemoserver.provision=true
>          -jar demo-server-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
>          2. Be aware this is a very heavy process because all services
>          will get started locally on your machine (10), and multiple data 
> source
>          will be started in embedded mode (Apache Cassandra, Apache ActiveMQ, 
> MySQL)
>          3. After the services all have started simply navigate to the
>          root fims-web-app folder and follow the steps mentioned in the README
>       2. Run Mifos I/O on the Cloud:
>       1. Before you can start the microservices you need to provide
>       resources that contains:
>          1. Apache Cassandra
>          2. Apache ActiveMQ
>          3. MySQL
>       2. Before you can push the services into your cloud you need to
>       adjust the properties in every application.yml for a service to point to
>       the above installed datasources
>       3. Every Microservice is build with the capability to run on a VM.
>       For this simply copy all microservice jar file to one or multiple VMs 
> and
>       start them using java -jar service-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT-boot.jar
> Just a kind reminder, Mifos I/O is not ready to be used in a production
> environment and is still under heavy development. We expect to have the
> frist functioning version ready in approx. 8 weeks, until then some
> functionality will not be available or work properly (e.g. checking
> accounts, individual loans).
> But any feedback is appreciated.
> Cheers
> Markus
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 2:14 AM ramesh padmanabhan <
> ramesh.padm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Trying again to see if anyone can help with tips for setting up a Gen 3
>> environment ?
>> thanks
>> Ramesh
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: ramesh padmanabhan <ramesh.padm...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 7:58 PM
>> Subject: Question on building Mifos I/O
>> To: user@fineract.apache.org
>> Hi everyone,
>> My name is Ramesh Padmanabhan. I have recently signed up as a Volunteer
>> with Mifos.
>> My background is as an engineering and product management leader from
>> Juniper Networks, Fortinet and most recently at Facebook.
>> I am looking forward to helping this organization in whatever way I can
>> contribute. But I have a lot to learn here first.
>> As a first step, I am familiarizing myself with the Mifos environments
>> and have played around with the AWS instance of Mifos that I was able to
>> setup for the Gen 2 version.
>> I am trying to figure out how to get a Gen 3 Mifos I/O environment setup
>> in an AWS environment.
>> Any clues that you can share will help me greatly.
>> thanks
>> Ramesh
> --
> Markus Geiss
> Chief Technology Officer, Kuelap, Inc. <http://kuelap.io/>
> +49 1522 9505306 <+49%201522%209505306>

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