David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Kevin wrote:

Using 07-dev and building plugin


forrest site

Seems to generate a working site but get BROKEN on all dtdx links in site.xml


X [0] status-v13.dtdx.html  BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration

Link rewriting seems ok any ideas?

It works just fine for me with latest SVN, try doing a svn up and "forrest clean site"

I updated to build 180154.

It still doesn't give a clean build. I even tried to build the docs:

cd site-author
forrest available-plugins
forrest init-plugins
forrest clean site

X [0] docs/howto-v13.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration
X [0] docs/document-v20.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration
X [0] docs/faq-v13.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration

Also when using SVN, after doing 'svn update' you really need to do
'build clean; build' especially when there are changes to the core
parts of Forrest.


Ok is this build.sh to javac all the sources. Where is
org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration? Maybe a conflict
with my 1.4 sdk? Anyway I'll try a rebuild.
