David Crossley wrote:
Kevin wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

Ross Gardler wrote:

Kevin wrote:

Using 07-dev and building plugin


forrest site

Seems to generate a working site but get BROKEN on all dtdx links in site.xml


X [0] status-v13.dtdx.html  BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration

Link rewriting seems ok any ideas?

It works just fine for me with latest SVN, try doing a svn up and "forrest clean site"

I updated to build 180154.

It still doesn't give a clean build. I even tried to build the docs:

I should have been more explicit. Ross told you only part of the

** If you do 'svn update' then you must clean and re-build core Forrest. **

I will go and make that clear in the http://forrest.apache.org/docs/build.html
It is there, just not bold enough ... a use for the xdocs <warning> element.

Anyway, see below ...

cd site-author
forrest available-plugins
forrest init-plugins
forrest clean site

X [0] docs/howto-v13.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration
X [0] docs/document-v20.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration
X [0] docs/faq-v13.dtdx.html BROKEN: org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration

Also when using SVN, after doing 'svn update' you really need to do
'build clean; build' especially when there are changes to the core
parts of Forrest.

Ok is this build.sh to javac all the sources. Where is
org.cyberneko.dtd.DTDConfiguration? Maybe a conflict
with my 1.4 sdk? Anyway I'll try a rebuild.

Please do it. Some of the Neko libraries were moved out of
main Forrest core and into the plugins.


rebuilding forrest core
sorted out the problem of building
dtdx plugin


Any way of building all updated plugins
as a result of
svn up

At the moment I
cd plugins
forrest available-plugins

then cd into every plugin directory and do
forrest clean; forrest
(build.xml dependencey does init-plugin?)


This is another reason for doing the 'cd main; build clean; build'
It forces you to clean out the plugins and re-deploy them.
