On Sun, Dec 31, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Jonathan Hunter <jmhunt...@gmail.com>

> Just a thought - does the order of the <Location> directives in apache's
> config make a difference? I had something very similar when getting mine
> working (see my other thread about printing not working over HTTP, only via
> web socket)

This also sparked a memory from an experience that I had - I actually had
trouble getting Apache's WebSocket proxy module to deal correctly with
multiple WS(S) applications.  I was using both Guacamole and GateOne on the
same server, with Apache proxying to both, and had all sorts of trouble
getting it to work correctly.  If I got Guacamole, proxied to Tomcat to
work, then GateOne would fail.  If I got GateOne, proxied to its own
Python/Twisted web server to work, Guacamole had issues.  I finally figured
out that there appears to be a limitation in Apache HTTPD's WebSocket proxy
module that limits you to basically proxying to a single WebSocket
backend.  I could be misrepresenting that, and maybe I was just missing
some configuration somewhere, but I ended up switching over to nginx for
proxying to the different backends on that system, as the configuration was
dead-simple and it worked with multiple WSS:// backends.

I'm a huge fan of Apache HTTPD, so I'm not saying not to use that, just
that I hit a corner case where I wasn't able to find the solution with that
and ended up using nginx.


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