On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 5:25 AM, Ferron Nijland - Switch IT Solutions <
f.nijl...@switch.nl> wrote:

> Hello Everyone,

Hello Ferron,

I’ve installed a new installation of Guacamole 9.14.
> I can access the GUI and login with sql authentication.
> Now I’ve added LDAP authentication, but it doesn’t seem to work.
> The guacd service starts without problems, so I’ve no idea where to look.

guacd actually has nothing to do with the authentication mechanism in use;
it handles only the low-level remote desktop connection. If the LDAP
authentication isn't working for you, the first thing to check would be the
logs from the web application. Assuming you are using Tomcat, these will be
logged to Tomcat's logs, most likely "catalina.out".

My guacamole.properties in /etc/guacamole contains is like:
> # Hostname and port of guacamole proxy
> guacd-hostname: localhost
> guacd-port:     4822
Beware that these property values are actually the defaults. Having them
will not hurt anything, but Guacamole will assume these values if these
properties are omitted.

> # Location to read extra .jar's from
> lib-directory:  /etc/guacamole/lib
The "lib-directory" property has actually been deprecated since 0.9.7, and
as of 0.9.10-incubating no longer has any effect:


The lib directory used by Guacamole is now always GUACAMOLE_HOME/lib/,
which matches the value you are trying to use here.

> # Authentication provider class
> #auth-provider: net.sourceforge.guacamole.net.basic.
> BasicFileAuthenticationProvider
> auth-provider: net.sourceforge.guacamole.net.auth.ldap.
> LDAPAuthenticationProvider

Like the "lib-directory" property, the "auth-provider" property has been
deprecated since 0.9.7 and as of 0.9.10-incubating no longer has any effect:

The "lib-directory" property has actually been deprecated since 0.9.7, and
as of 0.9.10-incubating no longer has any effect:


In prior releases which followed 0.9.7, attempting to use this property
would have resulted in a warning in the logs. With the property having now
been fully removed, it is simply silently ignored. The authentication
mechanism in use is dictated purely by the extensions installed within

> #LDAP Properties
> ldap-hostname:
> ldap-port: 3268
> ldap-user-base-dn: DC=domain,DC=local
> ldap-search-bind-dn: CN=sa_ ldap_guac,OU=Service
> Accounts,DC=domain,DC=local
> ldap-search-bind-password: password
> ldap-username-attribute: sAMAccountName
Depending on what you see in the Tomcat logs from Guacamole, I suggest
trying a few searches against your LDAP directory, binding to the LDAP
directory using the search DN and password you've specified here, making
sure you can execute queries against the "DC=domain,DC=local" tree. If you
cannot execute such searches, that is probably why things are failing, and
there should be corresponding errors in the logs.

# Properties used by BasicFileAuthenticationProvider
> basic-user-mapping: /etc/guacamole/user-mapping.xml
The "basic-user-mapping" property has been deprecated since


Its use would have resulted in a warning regarding its deprecation in the
logs. Though still supported in 0.9.14, support for this property has
recently been removed entirely. It will no longer be supported in future


- Mike

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