Nick, I just read in a recent thread you posted to about using linotp.  I'm
trying to accomplish something similar...I feel like Im missing something.
I got to my guacamole login page
for username I enter "username"
for password I enter "pin+otp"
my expectation is to then authenticate.  Is this not correct as you
mentioned an additional prompt?

On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 9:10 PM Not Speedy <> wrote:

> commented out the logging as a way to keep the plugin from crashing.. Now
> that its not crashing it doesn't seem to even try to authenticate.  using
> radtest, I'm able to confirm the radius server is reachable from the
> guacamole server. I've numbered the authproviders 0radius and 1jbdc as
> suggested in another thread.  that did not help.  My guacamole property
> files looks like this
> # MySQL properties
> mysql-hostname: localhost
> mysql-port: 3306
> mysql-database: guacdb
> mysql-username: xxxxxxx
> mysql-password: xxxxxxxx
> # Additional settings
> mysql-default-max-connections-per-user: 0
> mysql-default-max-group-connections-per-user: 0
> radius-server:
> radius-auth-port: 1812
> radius-shared-secret: xxxxxx
> radius-auth-protocol: pap
> radius-retries:3
> radius-timeout:10
> any thoughts?
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 7:29 PM Not Speedy <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the help Nick.  I just tried from scratch with the same
>> results. Perhaps it my ide,...I'll continue to keep googling and trying.
>> I'll also try against the staging branch to see if my results differ.
>> Thanks again
>> On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 6:30 PM Nick Couchman <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Dec 1, 2018 at 7:06 PM Not Speedy <> wrote:
>>>> odd..the only war/app I have is guacamole, and its the only project i
>>>> currently have imported into intellij. I'm building off master.  It looks
>>>> like the lib is being pulled in with the mavin-dependency-plugin, during
>>>> the build... but I could be wrong.  I'll keep playing with it.  I'm very
>>>> new with maven and building things from source.
>>> I've been trying it out from staging/1.0.0 instead of master, so I'll
>>> try to find some time to try out the master branch and see if something
>>> might be broken, there.  In the meantime, I'd suggest cleaning out all of
>>> your builds, and all of your extensions and re-deploying things from the
>>> beginning and see if that helps.
>>> -Nick

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