On 21/12/2023, 16:31, "Nick Couchman" vn...@apache.org<mailto:vn...@apache.org> 

> I don't recall this having been discussed previously, but your use case makes 
> sense. This would be a bit more work than just adding these variables as 
> prompts, unfortunately - right now, the prompt for SSH username and password 
> happens within the terminal, so we'd have to switch that to the more 
> recently-added prompt infrastructure and then this could be added.

> Completely doable, just not requested or implemented at the moment.

Thanks for the reply! I might be interested in picking this up in the new year, 
but anyway I would like to file a request for it as a feature – what’s the 
proper channel for this, should I simply open an issue on GitHub or on JIRA, 
say? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

All best,

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