On Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 12:21 PM Ometto, D.L.A. (Dawa)
<d.l.a.omet...@uu.nl.invalid> wrote:

> On 21/12/2023, 16:31, "Nick Couchman" vn...@apache.org wrote:
> > I don't recall this having been discussed previously, but your use case
> makes sense. This would be a bit more work than just adding these variables
> as prompts, unfortunately - right now, the prompt for SSH username and
> password happens within the terminal, so we'd have to switch that to the
> more recently-added prompt infrastructure and then this could be added.
> > Completely doable, just not requested or implemented at the moment.
> Thanks for the reply! I might be interested in picking this up in the new
> year, but anyway I would like to file a request for it as a feature –
> what’s the proper channel for this, should I simply open an issue on GitHub
> or on JIRA, say? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

For feature requests, you can go to our Jira site:


You'll need to request an account (link on the top of the page) and then
you can enter the request. When you do the account request, just make sure
to fill in some of the details of this conversation so we know where the
account request is coming from and can approve it.



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