All, if you wish to test this issue further, the thing to test is whether the *1.5.4* images suffer from the same failure even if rebuilt against the same version of FreeRDP used by 1.5.3 (version 2.10.0).

There is no need to confirm that the issue does not occur with 1.5.3 version of the Docker images. This is already known but too broad a result, as switching from "guacamole/guacd:1.5.4" to "guacamole/guacd:1.5.3" does not simply switch to an older version of Guacamole; it switches to older versions of absolutely everything, including the very software reporting the error (FreeRDP).



You can try rebuilding against FreeRDP 2.10.0 by checking out a copy of the 1.5.4 source and using the "WITH_FREERDP" build arg to specify "2.10.0":

$ git clone
$ cd guacamole-server/
$ git checkout 1.5.4
$ sudo docker build -t guacamole/guacamole \
    --build-arg WITH_FREERDP=2.10.0 \
    --build-arg ALPINE_BASE_IMAGE=3.18 .

- Mike

On 1/3/24 08:59, John Watson wrote:
1.5.3 does not have the issue. I was dealing with it in 4 different environments on 1.5.4 very frequently, and have had 0 incidents since reverting to 1.5.3.

On Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 8:46 AM Vieri <> wrote:

     From the OP it seems that guacamole 1.5.3 did not have this issue,
    but it is yet to be confirmed.

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