Hello Antony,

If you feel your changes would be beneficial, then please simply open them up so the community can start digging. There's no need for your team to sit on those changes until they grow to a theoretical point. The community is ready.

You can, of course, continue to not do that. As someone who has personally volunteered many years to create and maintain Guacamole, that's a business decision that I strongly disagree with, but it is ultimately your decision.

To that end, please do not use this list to advertise features of your own product, particularly features that are being intentionally withheld from the community on this list. Please instead use this list to help the community, such as by answering questions in a vendor-neutral fashion.

- Mike

On 1/19/24 09:18, Antony Awaida - CEO, Apporto wrote:
Hi Joachim:

The problem is that we have forked from Guac 1.2 and have made very extensive changes to customize the functionality for our customers' needs (performance, security, replaced SFTP with a different approach etc).  Merging with Guac again would be a major undertaking we are unable to do at this time.

As the team grows, we may reconsider our options.

Hope this helps....

On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 12:50 AM Joachim Lindenberg <guacam...@lindenberg.one.invalid> wrote:

    Hi Antony,____

    Can you please elaborate more on how you achieved that and what
    blocks open sourcing that solution?____

    I am convinced that a lot users would be interested as today users
    can remote access company resources but not really participate in
    video conferences via Guacamole.____



    __ __

    *Von:*Antony Awaida - CEO, Apporto <ant...@apporto.com
    *Gesendet:* Freitag, 19. Januar 2024 00:52
    *An:* user@guacamole.apache.org <mailto:user@guacamole.apache.org>
    *Betreff:* Re: Options for hardware acceleration/vaapi for guacd____

    __ __

    Hi Steven:____

    __ __

    At Apporto we have extended Guacamole so it uses H264 all the way to
    the browser. Our users can get up to 60 fps video.....  Even with
    very low specs on the rdp server. ____

    __ __

    Our business model does not unfortunately, allow us to open source
    this extension. ____

    __ __

    However, if this is of interest, we can license it to you....____

    __ __


    Antony Awaida____

    www.apporto.com <http://www.apporto.com>____

    Das Bild wurde vom Absender entfernt.ᐧ____

    __ __

    On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 11:20 AM Barnhart, Steven
    <barnhart....@osu.edu <mailto:barnhart....@osu.edu>> wrote:____

        Hi there,____


        We have some use cases where (unfortunatelty) users are
        reviewing videos from a remote machine and using Guacamole to
        connect. The viewing of videos is where the problem lies. A 720p
        sample video viewed through Guacamole is very laggy and the
        audio pops in/out. It is not reliable. During video playback,
        all other mouse movements or commands are delayed on the server
        as well. I see on the server side when viewing a video that a
        guacd process spikes to 80-100%. We are also using Docker.____


         1. I assume Guacamole encodes the rdp and sends it as video in
            some way? Is there a way to use hardware accelertation such
            as intel vaapi/quicksync for this process and could it maybe
         2. Is it believed Docker vs native would have any real
            difference in playing and streaming a video from an RDP


        Thank you.____


        *Steven T. Barnhart*____

        Solutions Engineer
        *The Ohio State University*
        OTDI Research Technology and Infrastructure
        (614) 688-1013 Office____


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