On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Kok Hooi Chew <chewkokh...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,

Hey Kok Hooi,

> Upgraded to 0.9.11, even though the reverse vnc feels more responsive

Great! I'd be interested to hear whether things are further improved with
recent changes on master. There are changes related to the experimental
X.Org driver development (
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GUACAMOLE-168) which have been merged
that have performance implications.

but still having the issues occasionally the screen is not being updated
The fact that a connection is normal VNC vs. reverse VNC is pretty opaque
to Guacamole's VNC client, with much of the difference abstracted away by
the library we use which actually implements the VNC protocol
(libvncclient). There is a difference in the way the connection is
initially established, but other than that the functions, etc.
invoked/provided for the remainder of the session are identical. I would
lean toward there possibly being a bug in the handling of reverse VNC in
libvncclient, but testing that would require using some other VNC client
which also uses libvncclient.

I believe Remmina uses libvncclient as well. Could you see if the same
problem occurs there? (Assuming that your distribution shows a dependency
on libvncclient for the remmina package or its VNC plugin ... if not then
this test may be useless...)


- Mike

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