Yes, I simply took the Hadoop 0.20.2 release, deleted its hadoop-core.jar, 
and replaced it with the contents of 
lib/hadoop-core-0.20-append-r1056497.jar from hbase.

I'm not sure what to do with "this approach might work".  How can I know 
if it really does?

BTW, I see that HBase's lib/hadoop-core-0.20-append-r1056497.jar contains 
org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/server/datanode/BlockChannel.class but I am having 
trouble figuring out why.  From where in SVN does that come?

Mike Spreitzer

From:   Ryan Rawson <>
Cc:     stack <>
Date:   02/13/2011 02:33 AM
Subject:        Re: Using the Hadoop bundled in the lib directory of HBase

If you are taking the jar that we ship and slamming it in a hadoop
0.20.2 based distro that might work.  I'm not sure if there are any
differences than pure code (which would then be expressed in the jar
only), so this approach might work.

You could also check out to the revision that we built our JAR and
trying that. By default you need apache forrest (argh) and java5 to
build hadoop (ARGH) which makes it not buildable on OSX.

Building sucks, there are no short cuts. Good luck out there!

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 11:24 PM, Mike Spreitzer <> 
> Let me be clear about the amount of testing I did: extremely little.  I
> should also point out that at first I did not appreciate fully the 
> of you earlier comment to Vijay saying "this is a little off" --- I now
> realize you were in fact saying that Vijay told me to do things 
> Since my note saying the backward approach worked, two things have
> happened: (1) someone make a link to it from (
>, and (2) Ryan Rowson replied
> saying, in no uncertain terms, that the backward approach is unreliable. 
> would not have noticed a reliability issue in the negligible testing I
> did.
> Having gotten two opposite opinions, I am now unsure of the truth of the
> matter.  Is there any chance of Vijay and Ryan agreeing?
> Thanks,
> Mike Spreitzer
> SMTP:, Lotus Notes: Mike Spreitzer/Watson/IBM
> Office phone: +1-914-784-6424 (IBM T/L 863-)
> AOL Instant Messaging: M1k3Sprtzr

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