On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Martin Kleppmann

> On 3 Nov 2009, at 14:37, Jawher wrote:
> > Martin : would you be interested to extract the Neo4j Scala wrapper
> > from
> > neo4j-resources into a separate project ? It'll help broaden the
> > project
> > scope and target audience. Plus, I've got some more ideas to further
> > simplify neo4j usage within Scala and I'm willing to contribute them
> > to such
> > a project.
> You mean to separate the barebones Scala wrapper from the REST stuff?
> Sure, that might be an appropriate thing to do -- as it is, the
> project is more like a collection of separate tools, not really one
> single coherent thing. Then we could make neo4j-scala (or whatever we
> call it) a dependency of neo4j-resources.

Yep, that's exactly what I meant.

> At the moment I'm extremely busy with my startup, but I'd be happy for
> you to go ahead with this. Obviously feel free to start a contributors
> list and add yourself to it :-)

I understand, and I wish you all the good luck with your work :)

I'm willing to handle the initial project setup, but there are a couple of
points that need clarification before I can go ahead :
- Which licence to use ? both neo4j and neo4j-resources are released under
the AGPL licence. But in this case, imho, a more liberal licence, such as
the ASF, would be more suitable. But the code is mostly yours, so, it's your
- The project name : neo-scala ?
- Would you agree to use Specs as the test framework as it's natively
integrated with maven ?

- And a *question to the neo4j team* : would using org.neo4j.scala as a
package name and org.neo4j as a maven groupId pause a problem ?

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